In 1992 I found an old record of the Broadway musical Hair at a used record store. I was sixteen at the time and was on the verge of coming out. As a result, I memorized all the songs easily and fifteen years later here I am: auditioning for a lead role in the San Jose performance of Hair.
Chicago Gay Games VII - Part One
Me and the SF Spikes - Soccer team
Sammy's pics from Chicago Gay Games VII photo credit: jim provenzano
The very first event at the Gay Games VII in Chicago happened to be my triathlon competition. I entered the water at approximately 6:15 AM on Sunday July 16th for the Sprint distance of the triathlon (750m swim, 20k bike, 5k run). The water temperature at that hour was right around 70 degrees, the day was already about 90 with strong humidity. It was the beginning of a series of blistering hot days during a heat wave which struck at an innoportune time for the athletes competing. Also, our event started at 6am but we were required to check our bikes into transition between 3:30-5am. Which means that after a treachorously long Opening Ceremonies (replete with Andy Bell from Erasure singing, Cirque du Soleil and fireworks, Margaret Cho and some other random political/poetry/country singing lesbian acts) I only got about 3 hours of sleep! The nice thing was that on my dark journey to the harbor that morning, I was accompanied by hundreds of other cyclists embarking on the Chicago Night Ride that morning- which started at midnight and finished coincidentally near our triathlon. Brian, my boyfriend, was a total doll and showed up right at 6:15 in time to shoot video of me in my swim. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to have support in this sport- especially when it means that many weekends I will forego staying out late with the boys so that I can train the next day. Brian understands the sacrifices I make for my training because he is also a soccer player who competed in the Games. His first game was Monday however, so he really did me a favor in showing up and getting some awesome footage. I think you will agree that I look pretty good for not having slept more than 3 hours! However, I see a lot of errors in my swim technique which I am appreciative to be able to analyze in the video. Briefly, the swim is always the first part of the triathlon and often times the most challenging. Unless you have been a swimmer all of your life, this sport really requires special attention and practice. For one thing, being in a pool is not enough. You really need to get into the open water to see what it feels like. As you can see we all wore wetsuits, this is not only to stay warm but for buoyancy. Lake Michigan is fresh water, which means one will not tend to float as much as one does swimming in the SF Bay for instance. I've had some pretty fucked up swims in our frigid water and have felt discouraged by some really slow starts to my first triathlons. But after getting more open water practice and a few tris under my belt, I must say that I am proud at how far I have come. To all you newbies out there who are terrified of the swim I simply say this: keep on swimming, keep on swimming. You can overcome your fears with practice, focus on the breathing, try to warm up before your event. As for the psychological factor of people swimming over you and around you- just follow the guy/gal in front (hopefully they know where they are going!). I loved the swim in Chicago because it was in a protected harbor, no currents, perfect temperature and a total straightaway. I simply followed the wall, and as I can see now, I probably could have swam a little faster! Enjoy these clips and stay tuned for more coverage of triathlon.
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