I think I might be casting myself in too good of a light on here so I just want to take a moment and "make it real" as it were. I've had my share of moments during triathlon which I am happy to forget. However, they are worth mentioning if for no other reason than to make me look bad.

Here my ass is seen WALKING across the finish line of my first triathlon- 2005 Treasure Island Tri. I honestly thought the race was already over. You better work.

Not a picture of happiness, as I leave the water in the Auburn sprint triathlon. I later lost the wetsuit I have on, my airhead ass left it behind at the venue- $300 + loss, OUCH!

For some reason I thought it would be cute to wear my ORCA singlet to Gay Pride. In restrospect I maybe shoulda coulda woulda rethunk that number. Can you say Richard Simmons- ech.

Here I am at
the last ill-fated tri where I got my flat. This pic shows me trying to gain on the trollgirl ahead of me. I also passed a 73 year old man who placed first in his age group and several hot big mommas as well.
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