Final Time: 1 hour 10 minutes 11 seconds!

400 yard swim, bike distance 11 miles, 3.1 mile run
It is challenging to convey how far one has come without quantifiable evidence. In triathlon this translates into hanging on to your final finish time as that proof and hopefully beating your personal best. A good friend once mentioned how hard it was for him to feel excited about a sport when you are well aware that you won't stand a chance at placing. But having just beat my personal best (June 2006 Tri For Fun) by 12 minutes, I can honestly say that I'm totally THRILLED!

I'll have to post the video I shot on the ride to the event later. . . Suffice it to say that I missed the exit due to my concentration on getting the right shot of the early morning light. It was gorgeous! When I left the house it was about 6:10, dark with deep indigo skies opening slowly. The city was still shrouded in fog and that extended well into the East Bay. I was afraid for a minute that the weather would be Le Suck but I was ecstatic at seeing a sunny horizon as soon as I got to Pleasanton- well Livermore by the time I realized I missed the exit.

I got my bike out of the trunk, plopped helmet on head and grabbed my two transition bags with much the usual crucial items and JuJu. When I finally set up my stuff I could hear them announcing the first wave would be leaving shortly! I made it in the nick of time to swim with the fast group, first out, again. In June, I had more time to warm up in the water and chit chat. Today I had to hold my pee until the I got in the water- and let me tell you I am not the only animal that released its waste in and around that nasty beach. I could see the horror on the swimmers' faces as they looked down to find their bare feet walk unprotected over many an unspeakable item. They oughtta rename the Shadow Cliffs Park as Duck Shit Park.
My swim was relatively strong. I stayed toward the back of the pack, which did not spare me from being whacked by limbs once or twice. It was actually nice to see so many young and toned bodies working hard at getting through the water. I wish I had sighted a bit more because I did not swim a straight line by any means. I also will remember not to wear my wetsuit in the September Tri For Real, because the water really is warm enough and the suit just makes me feel a bit constricted. My last two months of training and events really helped me preserve energy hear and this absolutely carried over in the next event, the bike.
As soon as I was done climbing the first hill out of the lot I ripped open my GU (carbohydrate gel) and sucked half of it down. I took a swig of water. I was not hungry because I ate a bowl of cereal and a banana in the morning. I also had a large glass of OJ- and pizza the night before. My legs felt great, I kept pushing forward. I had half-completed the first stretch when Jerry passes me on the bike! That's the second time that's happened and it's starting to get to me ever so slightly. Maybe I'll be training harder in the next few months and can manage to make him work harder at catching up during Catalina! The route was the same as it was in June but somehow I felt more prepared. I didn't let as many people pass and I was able to power ahead of a few others.

As for the run, I felt totally on top of it. It's funny because I struggled for about 50 yards in the beginning trying to untangle my iPod headphones. It was well worth it though- as the music uplifted me every step of the way. I passed a few folks and really felt more in control than the last time. I also wore socks this time, and did not get blisters as I did the last race. When I began to approach the finish, Love Inc.'s "Superstar" came on. Ah yes... an old circuit club favorite. It was actually a nice closer as they say in clubland- the lyrics perfectly addressed the progress I had made. It was cheesy, which I love, and made me get a few chills. It also inspired me to haul ass in the last 1/4 mile. WHY didn't I play this song sooner???!!!
"Reach for the sky and hold your head up high. . . And don't you be afraid, Think of all the friends you've made. . . You're a superstar.
Everything you are today, Is what you want to be.
So don't be someone else when you can be the best so easily.
If you try, and believe, my baby you'll succeed,
And your eyes will make you see,
You're a superstar."
-Love Inc.
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