Rehearsals Begin: 1st read through

Treat Williams as George Berger
So last night began our rehearsals with our first entire read through of the script involving the entire cast. There were some drop-outs unfortunately so we are still desperately seeking more African American peformers. I have put a call in to my alma mater, UC Santa Cruz to see if they might not have interested students from the theater arts department. Of course, when I was in school ten years ago it was the whitest of the UC's- so we'll have to keep our fingers crossed!
A funny thing, I mentioned to Barb the hair and wardrobe stylist (and wife of our fabu director Jon Rosen) that I would be open to considering extensions for my hair. This immediately generated excitement from Barb and Jon. I was encouraged to not cut my hair so that it could be used to hold the extensions. After mentioning it, I thought about how that would feel- having long hair permanently through the run of the show. The longest my hair has been is just past my ears when I was sixteen. I have very thick and black hair, straight with subtle waves to it. I imagine if I had let it grow out of control it would look something like Treat Williams' above.
Can you imagine me with that mangy ass lion mane of hippy hair? I would definitely be laughed out of any gay bar and poked fun of at work. In short, it is not a very contemporary look. My alternative is to go with a Native American straight long hair look, but I'm sure then I'd be called Cher or Geronimo or something. Truth is, many people really loved my hair when it was longer. But it got really old fast. I think the first time I went short I actually shaved my head- and it was no small coincidence that the fashion of the time (1992) in the gay community was a military buzz cut look. After coming out, I realized that the more boyish I looked the more likely I was gonna get laid.
Now I have a boyfriend and I shouldn't be so concerned. Or should I? I have not asked his opinion but I am curious how he would like it... He's wanted me to get a mohawk or shave my head before so I can't imagine he would be that opposed to an entirely different look. Then again, he's the one who has to sleep next to Medusa. It is all very interesting...
Anyway- long hair notwithstanding, this is going to be a fucking amazing show! I was sort of bummed to be honest when I realized half way into the callbacks that I had little chance of getting Claude. After the first read through yesterday, I see that I am gonna have a lot more fun with Berger than I had imagined. His character demands a certain circus like performance, comedic antics and big entrances/exits. Not only that but I sing right along Claude in some of the big numbers such as Hair. And I had almost all but forgotten about the song "Going Down" which is going to be a blast. It's about dropping out of high school and uses the metaphor of Lucifer the fallen angel. It is a riot. So I guess it is a good thing that I got that record sixteen years ago and memorized the Broadway version of the songs- cuz that is what we're emulating.
After visiting with wig designer Jordan L'Moore on Tuesday, I have decided against the extensions in favor of a beautiful long black haired wig. Jordan dissed Treat William's shag from the movie as a mullet! I still really like it. The wig I tried on makes me look like a Persian cave woman but Jon and Barb liked the photos so I think I'm buying it. My vision of a shag with lighter shades of black and brown should probably be saved for something else... what I don't know!
Treat looked WAY TOO 70s in that movie ;-)
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