HAiR to perform at SF Pride

Muwekma Tribe, HAiR San Jose is scheduled to perform Saturday, June 23rd at San Francisco Gay Pride main stage in the Civic Center. This is a truly bitchin fact given that thousands of people attend Pride and it is the best publicity we could get- for free! Additionally, I think the show will be received superbly by showtunes loving gay men and lesbians, and their straight allies.
When speaking with some of the organizers of this year's Pride committee, we were informed that Saturday is going to be programmed as a "high arts and culture" day. Among the talented performers we will share the stage with are the Glide Memorial Ensemble and the Gay and Lesbian Chorus I believe. There are supposed to be other Broadway like performances that will accompany our show's musical theater style.
I'm excited by this in part because I know that some people won't be able to see the show in San Jose, and others will be convinced to come watch it after our Pride show. It won't be the entire show of course but I think that whatever songs we perform will be tight by that point and give us as a tribe a good indication of what responses we'll get from the audience.
It's going to be great as well because our message in HAiR is strongly anti-war and the themes of revolution, love and freedom are very relevant today and that day especially. I am curious to see how these themes will intersect and if we will be received enthusiastically as part of the spirit of Pride. I'm also going to do my best to present this to the tribe as a special opportunity which we should feel we are a part of us just as much as anyone else at Pride. I happen to be a gay cast member, but this is irrelevant to my role in the show. At the same time it entirely informs my experience with the idea of liberation and sexuality which I must tap into for some of Berger's characteristics. I'll expound on that a bit more later.
Keep up the good work.
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