The Nudity

Me at volcano in Hawaii
Our last rehearsal before the Memorial Day Weekend break had us choreograph Donna, my first solo song in Hair. I am happy to report that my days as a go-go boy at the Stud may finally come in handy! Sure enough, Berger typically performs this song in a loin cloth and our director Jon Rosen is not about to stray from this one. . . Barb the producer and wardrobe specialist has already asked me to start shopping for thongs in the Castro.
Which begs the question: Is the nudity here symbolic of anything in particular or simply gratuitous. I mean, there is obviously the famous "nude scene" which still manages to dominate discussions of this show to this day. I have pretty much accepted that I will be totally nude for at least a minute or two at the end of the First Act. But this makes sense in the context of the story. And then there is Berger himself, who is in various stages of undress throughout the show evidently. It could be argued that he does it for shock value, and I guess it doesn't hurt to perform it with a little bravado.
Yet I have found that in explaining these things to potential viewers I usually get one of two responses. The first is a sort of "whatchootalkinboutwillis" crazy look. It often is accompanied with a sarcasm that begs more explanation to the purpose of the nudity in general and my reason for doing it specifically. As I mentioned earlier, I have a history of gettin nekked for free. So I am used to not having to give an artistic purpose to my exhibitionism, but in this case it's almost as if I have to justify it in the show. The second response often follows the first and it is sheer excitement and giggles that I would go through with this.
I am hoping that I can pull this off in a way that does not distract from the other aspects of my performance. I mean, just cuz I lap dance a man of my choice from the audience each night does not make me a cheap ho. Does it? I have to say that vocally I am in good shape, but can still use work. It's funny because from the beginning I knew I would have trouble hitting that A - note in Donna. I have had several cast members mention to me that they would like to see me get it, and in rehearsals I seem to always hear a little echo of the note from the other actors. Well, being that it is an ensemble I supose they are just singing their part. I aim to master the song in my own way, and if that doesn't do the trick there's always the thong. ;)
sammy... i think that the hotness of your naked body will come secondary to the hotness of your voice. the fact that you are comfortable in your skin (in and out of your clothing) will make the "crazy and wild" stuff you do in the show, just that -- "crazy and wild" stuff -- and will have less to do with whether or not you'll be doing these things with thong or not.
as for "that" note... i get the sense that once you're on stage, sammy the diva is going to come out and there is going to be some high A action happening. but of course, you know how i roll ;)
ps - lap dancing does not make you a whore. at least, that's what the nuns told me in school.
Not having done that portion in our show, I don't really have much of a background with it.
I don't know. Why do you think he'd be in a thong at this point in the show? It's incredibly early, only the second number, and already Berger's bearing (almost) all.
To me, this could read as nudity for nudity's sake. It doesn't feel like it serves much of a purpose to the story. I mean, I guess it could, like you say, serve to enforce Berger's own character. And in that case, cool.
But in my opinion, I don't feel the nudity before "Donna" is a necessary story element. It could definitely be a strong character choice, if there is a very defined reason to be nearly nude for this number. And those choices have to be made by you. So choose. But choose wisely (sorry... a little Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade humor)
So that's just my two cents. Hope that helps.
(A sideways "hi" to Nic from the Sac show!) You were (as both Sammy and I have said) TERRIFIC!
As to the opening scene, that was one of the points in the Sac show I felt was a little weak although overall I felt Berger was a little weak (except vocally, where he was excellent). Gerry Ragni was WAY OUT THERE. And he portrayed and wrote Berger that way and I want to make sure we pay homage to that portrayal. Sammy and I both recognized that in one of his competition for the job (the guy he referred to in one of his audition posts).
For reasons that we shall leave out of this blog, Sammy got the job and I am thrilled he is doing it because he will be SO CLOSE to Ragni when he gets up on stage that I think it will give me shivers.
In the opening line, Berger refers to "3000 pounds of Navajo jewelry". He is, of course, referring to his balls, not his necklace. It always surprises me how many productions of Hair miss this and have him shaking his necklace. He does this wearing a loincloth (he has already taken off his pants with the Pull Em Down Berger reference and asking a woman in the audience to hold his pants for him).
Nudity was at once both a "statement" and also a natural state for hippies in the 60s. We did it to shock our elders but also because it just felt good. Take a look at Woodstock (the movie) and it becomes clearer. Hair was actually quite mild on the nudity compared to what they could have done (and I am not planning on doing "more" just to prove we can).
In any case, this has always been an interesting issue for me and I am glad others are discussing it regardless of their feelings. It keeps me thinking.
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