I Got Life Mother

In 1992 I found an old record of the Broadway musical Hair at a used record store. I was sixteen at the time and was on the verge of coming out. As a result, I memorized all the songs easily and fifteen years later here I am: auditioning for a lead role in the San Jose performance of Hair.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Fast Approaching 3-5-0-0

I have yet to make my anti-war sentiments very clear on this blog, simply because I think most people will agree with my belief that this war has been a terrible waste of money, time and human lives. As we march steadily on toward almost 3,500 dead in Iraq however it seems that protest should be growing louder not quieter. I think that my participation in Hair can provide an inspiration if not a forum for this war protest. It is of course an extremely relevant issue, and the eerieness of the song 3-5-0-0 could not be more powerful than now. Christian, a tribe member and my fabulous commute ride companion to San Jose each day, thinks we should sing this song at Gay Pride. I think it's rather dark and may be difficult to pull off the context of some of the lines (Allen Ginsberg's quote from Witchita Vortex Sutra contains the lines "Prisoners in Niggertown, It's a Dirty Little War").

But maybe the gays could use a little rallying themselves, since on that day we should be celebrating our right to be free as well as our right to dissent. My ideal line-up of songs would be: Aquarius, Hair, Hare Krishna, Walking in Space and Let The Sunshine In. Of course, Walking In Space is best performed in low light. Maybe 3-5-0-0 instead can be done in a way that evokes the energy of the moment and segue into our own personal protest against the Iraq War. Just some thoughts.

Friday, May 25, 2007

The Nudity

Me at volcano in Hawaii

Our last rehearsal before the Memorial Day Weekend break had us choreograph Donna, my first solo song in Hair. I am happy to report that my days as a go-go boy at the Stud may finally come in handy! Sure enough, Berger typically performs this song in a loin cloth and our director Jon Rosen is not about to stray from this one. . . Barb the producer and wardrobe specialist has already asked me to start shopping for thongs in the Castro.

Which begs the question: Is the nudity here symbolic of anything in particular or simply gratuitous. I mean, there is obviously the famous "nude scene" which still manages to dominate discussions of this show to this day. I have pretty much accepted that I will be totally nude for at least a minute or two at the end of the First Act. But this makes sense in the context of the story. And then there is Berger himself, who is in various stages of undress throughout the show evidently. It could be argued that he does it for shock value, and I guess it doesn't hurt to perform it with a little bravado.

Yet I have found that in explaining these things to potential viewers I usually get one of two responses. The first is a sort of "whatchootalkinboutwillis" crazy look. It often is accompanied with a sarcasm that begs more explanation to the purpose of the nudity in general and my reason for doing it specifically. As I mentioned earlier, I have a history of gettin nekked for free. So I am used to not having to give an artistic purpose to my exhibitionism, but in this case it's almost as if I have to justify it in the show. The second response often follows the first and it is sheer excitement and giggles that I would go through with this.

I am hoping that I can pull this off in a way that does not distract from the other aspects of my performance. I mean, just cuz I lap dance a man of my choice from the audience each night does not make me a cheap ho. Does it? I have to say that vocally I am in good shape, but can still use work. It's funny because from the beginning I knew I would have trouble hitting that A - note in Donna. I have had several cast members mention to me that they would like to see me get it, and in rehearsals I seem to always hear a little echo of the note from the other actors. Well, being that it is an ensemble I supose they are just singing their part. I aim to master the song in my own way, and if that doesn't do the trick there's always the thong. ;)

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


My one friend who reads this blog, as far as I am aware (comments please!) has asked me to keep up with my entries. So I turn to the image of the original Berger and co-creator of Hair, Gerome Ragni, for inspiration.

I have been researching a bit on my free time about the characteristics of this role I am playing. The most interesting information is from the Michael Bulter (original Broadway producer) website, where some of our tribe has engaged in a discussion regarding the nudity in the show.

Personally I have been feeling mostly liberated in my attitude toward appearing in the nude for the end of the First Act. And from what I've been reading that is a good thing, because Berger typically is the first to shed his robe!

I also have been talking to friends of mine who have been in this show or directed it before. One interesting comment I received is that it is less important to study others' interpretations of Bergers than it is to understand the context of the period in which Hair took place (hat tip Brian Hayes). I agree to an extent, though I must say I do know a lot about the 60s hippie movement and not as much about the stage version of Hair.

And so I am pursuing this information bit by bit. . . wherever possible. Any youtube links or websites that folks are aware of are appreciated. Need not be Hair specifically related but anything relating to the times (1960s).

On another note, we had our first publicity photo shoot which was fun. Everyone got dressed up in some last minute costumes and wigs. It felt kind of like Halloween which was annoying in a sense- as I thought the costumes detracted from our true talents. But it was silly fun, and isn't that what it's all about. The only messed up thing is that I damaged a borrowed vintage vest. It pretty much spoiled the weekend for me, as I worried what my friend would think. The production has offered to pay for repairs, but I have learned my lesson on using valuable clothing items for the theater- you just don't.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

HAiR to perform at SF Pride

Muwekma Tribe, HAiR San Jose is scheduled to perform Saturday, June 23rd at San Francisco Gay Pride main stage in the Civic Center. This is a truly bitchin fact given that thousands of people attend Pride and it is the best publicity we could get- for free! Additionally, I think the show will be received superbly by showtunes loving gay men and lesbians, and their straight allies.

When speaking with some of the organizers of this year's Pride committee, we were informed that Saturday is going to be programmed as a "high arts and culture" day. Among the talented performers we will share the stage with are the Glide Memorial Ensemble and the Gay and Lesbian Chorus I believe. There are supposed to be other Broadway like performances that will accompany our show's musical theater style.

I'm excited by this in part because I know that some people won't be able to see the show in San Jose, and others will be convinced to come watch it after our Pride show. It won't be the entire show of course but I think that whatever songs we perform will be tight by that point and give us as a tribe a good indication of what responses we'll get from the audience.

It's going to be great as well because our message in HAiR is strongly anti-war and the themes of revolution, love and freedom are very relevant today and that day especially. I am curious to see how these themes will intersect and if we will be received enthusiastically as part of the spirit of Pride. I'm also going to do my best to present this to the tribe as a special opportunity which we should feel we are a part of us just as much as anyone else at Pride. I happen to be a gay cast member, but this is irrelevant to my role in the show. At the same time it entirely informs my experience with the idea of liberation and sexuality which I must tap into for some of Berger's characteristics. I'll expound on that a bit more later.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Muwekma Tribe

This is gonna be a quick post cuz I'm in a hurry to get home to Brian and spend a few hours before he flies off to see his Momma in Boston (ya he's a momma's boy like me). So our tribe has a name, and it Muwekma Tribe. This is the traditional name for the Indian tribes of the greater Bay Area and is fitting since we drive from all over (hat tip Esther).

Last night was a pretty fun rehearsal with Jon directing us through all songs learned thus far. When we got to Hair the electricity in the room was not only palpable but overwhelming. I got beads of sweat all over and even some goose bumps hearing folks support Brennan (Claude) and I singing together. As for our duet, it seems to be improving with each day. At first I worried that I could match his professionalism and the loveliness of his voice. I tend to sing a bit throaty and soulful, not to mention I've had almost no training other than the karaoke mic. :( But after we were done Claude complimented me on my harmonizing, which is cool because I had asked him the week before if that's how he wanted to sing it.

I still have work to do on Donna- and Hair and every other song for that matter. It was apparent from the first day of auditions that my vocal range poses a bit of a challenge in hitting the highest notes of this song. I have resolved this by bringing my voice down an octave (is that the correct term?) and injecting a little more rock interpretation. Jon has been quite supportive in allowing us all to take our solos in the direction we like. But I am sure he will pipe in more once we work individually.

Starting to get some responses on planned publicity happenings such as San Jose Pride and even a SF Pride performance. More on this later. I hope that lots of tribe members feel comfortable with joining these. Regardless of what one's orientation may be these are traditionally open forums of expression and that includes political, individual, social commentary or otherwise. I can't think of a more appropriate venue then to showcase some of our songs from HAiR. . .

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Rehearsals Begin: 1st read through

Treat Williams as George Berger

So last night began our rehearsals with our first entire read through of the script involving the entire cast. There were some drop-outs unfortunately so we are still desperately seeking more African American peformers. I have put a call in to my alma mater, UC Santa Cruz to see if they might not have interested students from the theater arts department. Of course, when I was in school ten years ago it was the whitest of the UC's- so we'll have to keep our fingers crossed!

A funny thing, I mentioned to Barb the hair and wardrobe stylist (and wife of our fabu director Jon Rosen) that I would be open to considering extensions for my hair. This immediately generated excitement from Barb and Jon. I was encouraged to not cut my hair so that it could be used to hold the extensions. After mentioning it, I thought about how that would feel- having long hair permanently through the run of the show. The longest my hair has been is just past my ears when I was sixteen. I have very thick and black hair, straight with subtle waves to it. I imagine if I had let it grow out of control it would look something like Treat Williams' above.

Can you imagine me with that mangy ass lion mane of hippy hair? I would definitely be laughed out of any gay bar and poked fun of at work. In short, it is not a very contemporary look. My alternative is to go with a Native American straight long hair look, but I'm sure then I'd be called Cher or Geronimo or something. Truth is, many people really loved my hair when it was longer. But it got really old fast. I think the first time I went short I actually shaved my head- and it was no small coincidence that the fashion of the time (1992) in the gay community was a military buzz cut look. After coming out, I realized that the more boyish I looked the more likely I was gonna get laid.

Now I have a boyfriend and I shouldn't be so concerned. Or should I? I have not asked his opinion but I am curious how he would like it... He's wanted me to get a mohawk or shave my head before so I can't imagine he would be that opposed to an entirely different look. Then again, he's the one who has to sleep next to Medusa. It is all very interesting...

Anyway- long hair notwithstanding, this is going to be a fucking amazing show! I was sort of bummed to be honest when I realized half way into the callbacks that I had little chance of getting Claude. After the first read through yesterday, I see that I am gonna have a lot more fun with Berger than I had imagined. His character demands a certain circus like performance, comedic antics and big entrances/exits. Not only that but I sing right along Claude in some of the big numbers such as Hair. And I had almost all but forgotten about the song "Going Down" which is going to be a blast. It's about dropping out of high school and uses the metaphor of Lucifer the fallen angel. It is a riot. So I guess it is a good thing that I got that record sixteen years ago and memorized the Broadway version of the songs- cuz that is what we're emulating.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Cast as Berger in HAiR

"Hair artwork and logo copyright Michael Butler. Used with permission".

Well I didn't even get around to breaking down the rest of my audition days before having to report that I have been cast as George (Berger) in the San Jose production of HAiR this Summer! HAiR, the American Tribal Love-Rock Musical is the original rock musical as stated on the Stagelight Productions website, where one can now buy tickets to our show.

"Before Jesus Christ Superstar, before Tommy, and long before Rent, there was Hair, the original rock musical. In honor of the 40th anniversary of Hair's premiere at New York's Public Theatre, Hair returns to San Jose this summer in what will surely be a celebrated event."

Let me just say that I am so thrilled to have been accepted as a member of this tribe and even more ecstatic to be playing the role of Berger. As I said before, I had fantasized playing Claude but after Day 2 of auditions it was very clear that a handsome young man who looked exactly the part (not to mention sang like an angel and acted superbly) was made for the role. On the day he arrived, I was actually all but convinced I would not get Berger but rather a non lead tribe role. This would have been fine, but I am so much more pleased to have my very own songs to sing on stage. I really cannot wait to take off for San Jose in a few minutes to attend our first read through with the cast!

I'll write more later about this exciting news and why HAiR is so significant to me... OH yeah! I sang Sodomy and Air (from the musical) at Martuni's this Sunday night and last night I sang I Got Life at the Mint. These were all well received, and I will continue to do my own grass roots promotion of the show and shameless self promotion around the circuit. My big idea at the moment is to try to get the cast to sing at a special event this Summer. More on that in a bit...