Outside My Field of Vision

I have been feeling a little detached from my goals lately, particularly those surrounding my triathlon training. I've wanted to keep writing to inspire myself but honestly it's been difficult to even find the time to do that. This weekend is the Pacific Grove triathlon and I have not registered for it- holding off until the last moment to see if I really feel up to it. Truthfully this hobbie has become somewhat expensive and difficult in that I have given up a significant chunk of my social time in order to be rested for an event.
When I complete an event, I then go into party mode, feeling like it's my deserved right to get a little crunk afterward. But a friend of mine rightfully pointed out that after an exhausting triathlon the last thing my beaten body needs is toxins such as alcohol to deprive it from properly healing. This has caused me to evaluate my intake of such toxins and I am feeling like a little balance might be in store the next few weeks. Having said that, I have just gone stone fucking crazy with the Ben and Jerry's. Last week alone I finished 3 pints of Cherry Garcia/Double Dutch Fudge on my own! I discovered the late night convenience store near my house carries my favorite and yet the clerk did not seem excited to learn he would be seeing me more often. I think he's not happy doing what he's doing in his life.
On another note, tonight I'm going with Dat (my roommate) and Brian to see Mary J. Blige. I think I'm probably a bigger fan than either of them and even made a personal mix of my favorite hits from the Queen of R&B:

1. Be Happy
2. mary j blige, ll cool j - all night long (remix)
3. Real Love
4. Sweet Thing
5. I'm Goin' Down
6. All I need (Mary) Method Man & Mary J Blige
7. Not Gonna Cry
8. Deep Inside
9. George Michael & Mary J Blige - As
10. No More Drama
11. Family Affair
12. Mary J. Blige & Lauryn Hill - All That I Can Say
13. Patti Labelle & Mary J. Blige - Ain't No Way
14. One Mary J. Blige & U2
15. Be Without You [Moto Blanco Vocal Mix]
Hopefully my soul will be soothed with sweet libations through my ears... In my darkest moments I've had Mary there as a melodramatic soundtrack. And even as I prescribe to her No More Drama mantra, I understand that hers is a complex expression of passion and struggle. She never said she was perfect, and neither am I.
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